
Is your website secure/safe?
Yes, pxl-art.com is safe and secure. We use a world class e-commerce solution, along with SSL encryption, and a variety of other enhancements to maintain a PCI compliant shopping environment. For alternative purchasing methods, feel free to email or call customer service to assist you in placing an order.
Can I purchase a hi-res image to print myself or print onto a canvas?
We do not license our images for others to print.
Do you collaborate with other brands/people?
Absolutely! We love collaborating on various projects. If you have an idea or want to discuss a way for us to work together, please email contact@pxl-art.com.
Can I have PXL ART create a custom print?
Yes, PXL ART, Inc is available to create custom prints of images offered on the online store. Please email us with the PXL ART image reference and custom size you would like to sales@pxl-art.com.
What is the PXL ART edition size?
All PXL ART's photographs are printed in limited number series (across all size variations) and, at the discretion of PXL ART. However, with an exclusivity fee/agreement, any specific photograph can be printed and permanently removed from the catalogue, contact us for details.
Do PXL ART photographs have a series edition number?
Yes, all our photographs have a discreetly & permanently embedded serial number.
Where are PXL ART photographs printed?
All our art photography is printed and mounted in Germany.
Do your prices change overtime?
All prices are subject to change. We retain the right to adjust prices at any given moment.
Do I need to sign for my packaged delivery?
All deliveries will require a signature. PXL ART, Inc is not responsible for any packages that have not been signed for upon delivery.
Do you ship worldwide?
Yes! We are able to ship all prints internationally.